
Shared Import Integration Queue Parameters

For all integration queue import endpoints, you need to specify account, integration and apikey as parameters.

https://{BASE_URL}/imports/products?account=[ACCOUNT ID]&integration=[INTEGRATION QUEUE ID]&apikey=[INTEGRATION QUEUE API KEY]

Import Queues

For each data type that can be imported, any number of import queues can be created. Using the import endpoints, it is possible to specify which import queue to target. This means that you could configure separate data sources and keep this distinct for the purpose of debugging and monitoring.

When an item lands in the import queue, it will immediately be processed by the Ka-ching system. This processing may either fail or succeed. All successfully processed items will be placed in a success log and all failed imports will be placed in a failure log.

At Ka-ching we can monitor the queues and logs if granted permission by you, and in the future it will also be possible for you to monitor these yourself. All items in the success and failure logs are annotated with time stamps and success or error messages.

Since the processing happens asynchronously and per processed item, it is not currently possible to get the import status back through the import endpoint. The queue logs need to be examined to determine the success / failure of the import.

Import Queue Security Model

When posting data to an import endpoint you need to provide an API key. The API key identifies access to a specific import queue. For each import queue, any number of API keys can be created, but through our Back Office, we reuse API keys between integrations by default. The API keys determines the appropriate access rights for writing data into the import queues.

All access to the import endpoints using a given API key are logged with the IP of the client and a timestamp in order to give us the possibility to monitor and prevent abuse.