
The Folders Import Endpoint


All import integration endpoints use the same authentication parameters, please see Authentication page for more details.

Like the Product Import, this endpoint uses Import Queues to handle all imported data.

The folder hierarchy is just a single value containing the entire hierarchy. This means that any post to this endpoint will overwrite the current folder hierarchy with the newly posted one.

        "filter": {
            "tag": "usa"
        "children": [
                "filter": {
                    "tag": "californien"
                "children": [
                        "filter": {
                            "tag": "anderson_valley"
                        "filter": {
                            "tag": "carneros"

The folders hierarchy is described by an array of filters. Along with each filter you may supply arrays of children of the same structure (a filter and an optional array of children). The filters can currently specify tags that much be matched for products to be included in the folder. This may be expanded upon in the future.

Shared Integration Queue Parameters

For all integration queue import endpoints, you need to specify account, integration and apikey. Please read the Import Queues below for details about these parameters.

https://{BASE_URL}/imports/folders?account=[ACCOUNT ID]&integration=[INTEGRATION QUEUE ID]&apikey=[INTEGRATION QUEUE API KEY]

Deleting Folders

Sincere there only exists one hierarchy of folders, sendin an HTTP DELETE request to the endpoint without any contents will delete the folders.